Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 13

Teachers are some of the best designers there is! We are always thinking and using creativity in ways to further our students learning and knowledge. 
After reading chapter 8 I think Scratch is a really cool program for a theatre classroom.  It allows the students to use and manipulate audio tracks and music as well as video.  I would use this in the rehearsal process. 
I would also like to use the DigitalStorybook.  I would use it to see what the students are learning about the script or play we are studying.
Math was always a hard subject for me. The visual Aid that helped me the most in math was simple graghs and charts.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 11 Blog post

I believe the three most important principles for education are 1) Multimodal Principle- Meaning and knowledge are built through various modlities, for example, images, texts, symbols, interactions, abstract design, and sound. I think I can relate this to theatre since we have to design and create what is a make believe world to us but reality to the audience. 2) Active, Critical Learning Principle- All aspects of the learning enviornment (including the ways in which the domain is designed and presented) are set up to encourage active and critical, not passive, learning.  I think this is important because the learning enviornment plays a huge role in the students interest and concentration. 3) Committed Learning Principle- Learners participate in an extended engagement (lots of effort and practice) as extensions of their real-world identities in relation to a virtual identity to which they feel some commitment and a virtual world that they find compelling.
I would use Urban Simulations in my theatre class. I would use this because once character roles are given out it is extremely important that the student "becomes" the character. The students could create their character in the simulations and interact as that character would. Character building is a huge part of the process of putting a show on stage. 
I would conclude that Gee's Principles are very good guidelines to use for education.

Jonasse D., Howland J., Marra R. M., & Crismond D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.